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Egypt - December, 2004
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IMG_1685 A passionate embrace by the pyramids. IMG_1686 One pyramid. IMG_1713 Three pyramids. IMG_1719 One sphinx and one pyramid. IMG_1721 He's been holding that pose for a long time. IMG_1732 Adele must have just found a bargain. IMG_1786 Was this what she bought? IMG_1798 Or this? IMG_1816 A peaceful evening ride on the Nile. IMG_1831 Abu Simbel. IMG_1832 Ramses bids you welcome. IMG_1834 Ramses' cartouche. IMG_1837 An unknown tourist at Abu SImbel. IMG_1868 Carvings on a temple. IMG_1872 Gods and goddesses. IMG_1886 Peeking through at the river. IMG_1905 Nefertiti. IMG_1918 Bright colors were everywhere to be seen (and bought). IMG_1929 If on ram is good, a hundred must be better. IMG_1933 Holding things up. IMG_1937 Ramses with a tree growing from his head. IMG_1939 Indiana Jones was here.  So was James Bond. IMG_1945 Yet another Ramses statue. IMG_1953 An amazingly well-preserved head. IMG_1954 Why have just one sphinx when you can have hundreds?  These were a portion of those which once lined a 2 mile long causeway. IMG_1955 IMG_1956 The IMG_1975 The Nile riverbanks are very fertile. IMG_1984 An entrance to a temple. IMG_1989 IMG_1994 Horus says howdy. IMG_1998 Even today, the ghost of Nefertiti can be seen roaming the temple. IMG_2001 An early Nile cruise ship.  Note how the faces were chisled away by early Christians. IMG_2007 IMG_2010 Dancing girls not included. IMG_2016 The view from our room on the boat. IMG_2027 The tomb of Hatshepsut. IMG_2035 The lady Hatshepsut herself.  The red color is the original paint. IMG_2039 Ancient and modern temple guards.